Do ferns require water for fertilization?
Yes, ferns require water for fertilization. The sperm cells of ferns are flagellated, meaning they have whip-like extensions of their cell walls that enable them to swim through moisture to reach the egg cells.Click to see full answer. Herein, is water necessary for fertilization in ferns?Sperm have flagella, which are whip-like tails that allow them to swim. In order to swim, they need water. This means ferns can only successfully reproduce in wet places, or after a rain. After fertilization, the sporophyte grows up on top of the gametophyte.Similarly, do angiosperms require water for fertilization? Both sperm cells are required for successful fertilization in angiosperms. Pollen allows angiosperms and gymnosperms to reproduce away from water, unlike mosses and ferns which require water for sperm to swim to the female gametophyte. Thereof, do bryophytes require water for fertilization? Bryophytes also need a moist environment to reproduce. Their flagellated sperm must swim through water to reach the egg. The sporophytes of bryophytes do not have a free-living existence. They grow directly out of the fertilized egg in the archegonia, and remain dependent on the parent gametophyte for their nutrition.How do ferns prevent fertilization?The sperm are released from the antheridium and swim through a thin film of water to a nearby archegonium to fertilize the egg. Since the antheridium and archegonium are on the same prothallus the fern has several strategies to prevent self-fertilization.